I created an experience prototype for how I’d like augmented reality to actually help in the kitchen, using the Next Generation Spectacles. I’ve seen a lot of cooking or baking demos in AR, and as someone who bakes a LOT, they never quite felt like something I would use. I don’t want something that is gamifying my baking experience, I don’t want recipes to be permanently anchored to particular locations the way a book would be, and I don’t want 3D pie visualizations. I want the least amount of pixels being rendered in my visual field that in turn reduce the most friction in the process. Timers and temperatures that are local to the objects they’re relevant to - help with measurements for things like a pie crust or cookie dough distance. Recipes that go with me, and can be pinned, moved, upinned easily. This is a concept piece, not a product. The augmented baking exploration was featured in The Spoon and in Martin Monteros XR Field Guide.